potting soil, garden soil, planting soil online

A Complete Guide To Finding The Best Soil For Potted Plants

If you are a plant lover then you definitely know the struggle of finding that perfect soil mix that makes your green babies thrive. There are many types of soil and not all of them work for all types of plants. It requires extensive research to find the best soil for potted plants. Choosing the best soil from the soil types available around you and then finding the proportion of the mix based on your plant needs becomes tricky. To save you from the hard work, we have done the entire research fo
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If you are a plant lover then you definitely know the struggle of finding that perfect soil mix that makes your green babies thrive. There are many types of soil and not all of them work for all types of plants. It requires extensive research to find the best soil for potted plants. Choosing the best soil from the soil types available around you and then finding the proportion of the mix based on your plant needs becomes tricky.
To save you from the hard work, we have done the entire research for you. In this article, you will find everything you need to know about soil, types, nutrition requirements and the perfect soil for potted plants.
We will guide you on:

1). What is potting soil and why do you need that

2). How soil affects plants

3). Soil Mixes for different plants

4). Soil Less mixture for plants

5). What do plants need to grow and much more.

How to Choose the Best Potting Mix for Indoor Plants?

Whether you are a newbie or an experienced plant parent, choosing the best potting mix for indoor plants is a struggle for all. But don’t worry, we are here to help you out. Here are a few factors that make potting soil good. If your potting mix checks all the boxes, it is good to go.

1. Aeration: Your plant needs loose and airy soil in order to push new roots. A dense soil will hinder the growth of the plant. Good potting mixes should have materials like perlite, vermiculite, or river sand that promote aeration. Adequate aeration ensures that oxygen can reach the roots, promoting healthy growth.

2. Moisture Retention: Moisture retention is just as important as aeration. Now it is essential to understand that soil shouldn't become waterlogged, but it should be able to hold some moisture to promote plant health and growth. Look for mixes with components like peat moss, coconut coir, or composted bark that can hold onto moisture without becoming waterlogged. This helps in maintaining consistent moisture levels for the plants.

3. Nutrient Content: Your potting mix should have nutrients for the plants to grow. Choose a potting mix with added organic fertilizers like manure, compost, or vermicompost.

4. Density and Texture: The texture of the potting mix affects root growth. It should be loose enough to allow roots to penetrate easily but firm enough to provide support. Avoid mixes that are too dense or compacted. When buying, feel the mix with your hands. You should be able to dig your fingers in the mix easily. It should also feel slightly moist and warm.

5. Disease and Pest Resistance: This is a major factor that most people fail to address. Your potting mix should have some component to ensure that the plants do not catch any infection or disease. Mostly neem cake or neem powder is added to the soil mix to make it disease-resistant. This can be beneficial, especially if you've had issues with pests or diseases in the past.

These are the basic requirements of any potting mix for indoor plants. If your soil mix has all of these components, it would be perfect for your plants.

Inorganic Vs Organic Potting Soil - Which is the Best Potting Soil for Your Houseplants?

Inorganic potting mix refers to soil mix that is not biodegradable or does not have any natural elements. Expanded Clay Pellets (LECA) and perlite are inorganic potting mixes. They are loose and airy but lack any nutrients and water retention. 

On the other hand, organic potting soils fulfill all the required criteria for a healthy potting mix. Coco peat is good for aeration, while peat moss is excellent for moisture retention. Manure and compost are great sources of nutrients and neem powder provides protection from diseases. The organic mix is also sustainable and better for the environment. 
Which is the best potting soil for your plants? Well, organic potting mix has everything your plant needs and it is also good for the environment. However, depending on the needs of your plant, a mixture of inorganic and organic potting mix can also be used.

What is Potting Soil?

When plants are planted directly in the ground, they get their nutrition directly from the soil underneath them. There are no issues of water drainage or water retention, as water will keep flowing down into the earth. The roots get more space to grow and are aerated naturally.

However, plants potted in containers or pots need a special soil mix for better growth due to space constraints and drainage issues in pots.

Potting soil or Potting Mixture is a soil mix that is used for growing plants in pots in your garden at home or on the terrace.

Typically, this soil should be a mix of water draining components, moisture-retaining components and nutrients like potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.

When we talk about soil mix, it generally comprises coco-peat, perlite, compost, and soil like red soil or garden soil. These elements make the potting soil compatible with the plant’s needs allowing them to grow well.

Typically, Red soil is one of the best  and most economical soil types for plants to grow but this has a negative impact when used in pots. Red soil tends to retain a lot of water and gets compact. This affects the growth of roots causing them to rot due to the high level of retained water in the soil and as it dries it clogs them due to compactness. This is why for potting plants in containers, a potting mix is used.

What do Plants need for Better Growth?

Plants need a well-aerated, well-drained and balanced soil that is capable of supplying the required nutrients for the growth of plants in containers.

The health and growth of the plants are directly affected by the quality of the soil used for growing them. When plants grow in gardens or land, they get their nutrition from the natural environment and habitat they are growing in. But when we grow plants in pots the nutrition supply depends on the soil mix we use. Therefore, we must choose the best potting soil and organic liquid fertiliser for our healthy plants.

Types of Soil for Different Plant Types

We know that we need the best potting soil for growing plants in containers and pots but this is not it. Different plants have different soil requirements and thus, we need different proportions of the potting mix components for different types of plants. For example, if you grow succulents or cacti in a regular potting mix, they are less likely to survive because they need super-aerated soil that does not hold water. Similarly, fruits and vegetables have different soil requirements. Let’s understand the potting soil type based on the plants.

1)  Soil for Potted Vegetables, Flowers & fruits

Vegetables, fruits and flowers are heavy feeders. They require a good supply of nutrition, water and air. Hence the potting soil for them should be well-drained, loose and should contain organic food for the plants. When you are looking for a best organic potting soil for vegetables, fruits or flowers, look for these components in the soil mix:

1).  Cocopeat or Coconut fiber for improved water retention, and aeration and decrease the risk of soil fungus and root diseases.

2). Vermiculite or perlite for drainage

3). Organic compost or fertilizer for the supply of nutrition

These three are the essential components of the potting mix for growing vegetables, fruits and flowers. You can also mix a small amount of Neem Cake powder as it is a natural fungicide and pesticide to avoid any fungal disease in   the plants.

You can check out our premium 4 in 1 soil less potting mix which contains cocopeat, vermiculite, neem cake and organic fertilizer. We pack them separately so that you get the purest mix for your plants.

2)  Soil for Succulents and Cacti (like Aloe Vera, Howarthia, etc)

Succulents and Cacti have different soil requirements and consist of a blend of other materials. Potting soil for succulents should have three components:

1). Coco peat or coconut coir

2). Perlite for better drainage and avoiding compaction.  

4). You can also use river sand instead of perlite which is inexpensive and easy to source.

5). Very little organic compost or organic fertilizer

Succulents and cacti like their soil to be dry and which is why cactus soil is prepared differently where the water drains out immediately. Cactus mix also does not requires Neem cake powder as there is no soil which is the major carrier of fungus and pests.

It is also to be noted that you only water your succulents and cacti when the soil is completely dry otherwise you might kill them due to over watering.

3)  Soil for Indoor plants

Indoor plants are mostly ornamental plants and demand less when it comes to nutrition. Since they will be constantly inside the house, opt for the best potting mix for indoor plants, which consists of the following components:

1). Cocopeat

2). Vermiculite

3). A small amount of compost or fertilizer

Indoor plants require attention when it comes to potting them in containers or pots. Unlike other plants, their nutrition requirement is completely dependent on the organic fertiliser in the soil mix and its health depends on the aeration and moisture retention in the soil mix. However, they like well-drained soil and are prone to root rot. Ensure that you use the best organic potting soil mix for your indoor plants.

How to select the best soil for plant growth

There are certain things that you should keep in mind when you are trying to select the best potting mix for your indoor plants. The best soil for potted plants should contain a blend of coconut coir fiber, vermiculite, perlite, organic fertiliser, sand, compost, and peat moss and is rich in basic nutrients required by the plants. 
The best soil for potted plants will contain a blend of coconut coir fiber, vermiculite, perlite, organic fertilizer, sand, compost, and peat moss and is rich in basic nutrients required by the plants. It should be well aerated and  should be able to retain moisture and nutrition well.

Any potting mix which does not contain red soil is known as SOIL LESS POTTING MIXTURE. What makes soil-less mix better for potted plants is the fact that these are free from disease, pests and other contaminants. It is well aerated, retains moisture and nutrition as well.

The best part about the soil-less potting mix is that it is very light weighted which makes it very suitable for home gardening. Soil-less mixture for plants, in fact, helps the plant grow 2X compared to the plants grown in red soil or other soil mixture for house plants. It saves you from the pain of ploughing the soil to keep it aerated as it ensures 90% more air space than soil.

What to check when buying Potting soil mix:

When you are buying best potting mix from the market run your hands on the packet to understand the following:

1). The soil should not feel tightly packed and should feel soft

2). It should not feel too damp or too dry

3). Look for ingredients- it should contain vermiculite, peat moss, perlite, etc. These make the soil aerated and ensure moisture retention and no water clogging.

4). It should contain organic fertilizer like compost, manure, etc.

Conclusionary Thought

Gardening is a very therapeutic experience and when done correctly, it yields excellent results and satisfaction. We hope that this article helps you to understand more about gardening and how you can ensure to have the best soil for your potted plants. By reading this blog completely, you may have an idea about which is the best soil for plants. Visit Bombay Greens online garden store to get your hands on the best organic potting soil for your potted plants!


1. Is red soil good for plants?

Red soil is known for its fertility and good drainage which makes it good soil for plants. This soil type is particularly beneficial for crops like sugarcane and bananas which need a lot of nutrients. But it is not the best potting soil for potted plants.  

2. How to prepare the best potting soil for planting in pots?

You can prepare the best indoor potting mix for plants by mixing sand, compost, organic fertiliser, vermiculite, and coconut coir fibre 

3. What soil to use for plants?

For plant growth, loamy soil is ideal to use which has a mixture of clay, silt and sand. For your indoor plants, check out the best indoor potting mix from Bombay Greens.

4. What is the difference between potting mix and potting soil?

Potting soil contains a mixture of various components like coco peat, perlite, and manure, along with garden soil. On the other hand, the potting mix can be soil-less and totally made of coconut coir, coco peat, vermiculite, etc. Potting soil is better for tropical plants and potting mix is better for succulents and cactus.

5. How can I make my own potting mix at home?

Take equal parts of garden soil, river sand, organic compost or manure, and coco peat. Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder and cinnamon powder to prevent fungal infections. This potting mix can be used for your indoor plants. For outdoor plants, increase the ratio of coco peat as it helps in water retention.

6. What are the key ingredients of a potting mix for indoor plants?

The best potting soil should include coconut coir or perlite for aeration, coco peat for moisture retention, manure or compost for nutrition, sand, organic barks, or vermiculite for texture, and neem powder for disease resistance. 
Comment below if you have any more queries and we will be happy to help you.