How to use our Microgreens Kit
Please read all the instructions before you proceed
Step 1 - Take a bowl and put the coco discs in it. Pour some water slowly on the discs. The discs will start expanding. Don't add too much water in the beginning. Add water as required by the discs. After few minutes the discs will expand completely. Disintegrate the mix with your hands. Fill the container up to the brim with this cocopeat mix and keep a handful of it aside for later.
Step 2 - Sprinkle all the seeds on the container filled with cocopeat. Now add a very thin layer of the remaining cocopeat to cover the seeds.
Step 3 - After this, sprinkle water to moisten the top layer. You may use a sprayer to do this step & keep it in a sunny area. After 24 hours, sprinkle some water on the top soil. Use a gentle spray to pour water. That's it.
How to use our kit (Grow Tin)
Follow these 5 easy steps to grow your plant
Step 1 - Take a bowl and put the coco discs in it. Pour water slowly on the discs. The discs will now start expanding. Don't add too much of water in the beginning. Add water as required. After few minutes the discs will expand completely. Now disintegrate it using your hands.
Step 2 - Now add the entire packet of Organic Plant food to the coco peat. Mix it & fill the pot up to the brim with this mixture. Keep a small amount aside for sprinkling on top.
Step 3 - Using the name tags provided or any sharp took, dig few small holes of 0.5cm in size in the container filled with the potting mix. DO NOT dig a deep hole., it should not be bigger than the size of a fingertip.
Step 4 - Add all the seeds in the holes. Cover the holes with the remaining potting mix.
Step 5 - After adding the mix, sprinkle water to moisten the top layer. You may use a sprayer to do this step. Keep the pots in sunlight 🌞 & WATER EVERYDAY. 🌱
How to use our kit ( DIY Grow Kit )
Follow these 5 easy steps to grow your plant
Step 1 - Take a bowl and put the coco discs in it. Pour water slowly on the discs. The discs will now start expanding. Don’t add too much of water in the beginning. Add water as required. After few minutes the discs will expand completely and disintegrate it using your hands.
Step 2 - Now add the entire packet of Organic Plant food to the coco peat. Mix it thoroughly. Use this potting mix and fill all the three containers up to the brim with it. Keep a small amount aside for sprinkling on top.
Step 3 - Using the name tags provided or any sharp tool, dig few small holes of 0.5cm in size in the container filled with the potting mix. DO NOT dig a
deep hole, it should not be bigger than the size of a fingertip.
Step 4 - Add all the seeds of that variety in the holes. Cover the holes with the remaining potting mix. Write the names of the seeds on the name tag and insert it in the pot.
Step 5 - After adding the mix, sprinkle water to moisten the top layer. You may use a sprayer to do this step. Keep the pots in sunlight. 🌞
Seed Packets
How to use our Seed Packs
Step 1 - Open the Seed Packet
Step 2 - Take a few seeds
Step 3 - Dig tiny holes in the soil
Step 4 - Put one seed in each hole
Step 5 - Cover the seeds with soil
Keep in sunlight 🌞 and water daily. 🌱
How to use our Potting Mix
How to use our Potting Mix
Step 1 - In a wide tub, soak the Cocopeat block in 6.5 - 7 litres of water for a few minutes. Once it expands, remove lumps & ensure the mix is evenly moist.
Step 2 - Add Vermiculite, Organic Fertilizer & Neem Powder to it & mix it thoroughly.
Step 3 - Ensure you remove any lumps in the mix & fill it up with your super premium mix.